
Recent publications


  1. Automated systematic evaluation of cryo-EM specimens with SmartScope
    Jonathan Bouvette, Qinwen Huang, Amanda A Riccio, and 3 more authors
    eLife, Aug 2022
  2. Weakly supervised learning for joint image denoising and protein localization in cryo-electron microscopy
    Q. Huang, Y. Zhou, H. Liu, and 1 more author
    In WACV, Aug 2022
  3. Accurate Detection of Proteins in Cryo-Electron Tomograms from Sparse Labels
    Qinwen Huang, Ye Zhou, Hsuan-Fu Liu, and 1 more author
    In Computer Vision – ECCV 2022, Aug 2022



    1. Cryo-ZSSR: multiple-image super-resolution based on deep internal learning.
      Q. Huang, Y. Zhou, X. Du, and 4 more authors
      In NeurIPS Machine Learning in Structural Biology Workshop, Aug 2020